Saturday 1 February 2020

5 Crystals Every Witch Should Have!

Crystals! Gemstones! Pretty Rocks!

Whatever you call them , you should  ( and probably do already) have a few. If you don't currently have any. Here are five Crystal stones you should consider as a starter kit.

Rose Quartz
Rose quartz is mostly known as the stone of love. But believe it or not it's not just for romance. It's also for relationships in general, such as friendships, family; or divine love. It helps to ease pain and heals heartbreaks allowing for your self esteem to grow. and allow any bitterness to fade. This stone is all about faith and trust growth as well as connection to  life and a great meditation tool.

Clear Quartz
Clear Quartz is commonly known for it's ability to protect and dispel negativity. It is also programmable to intent as it acts as an amplifier crystal.  It's a versatile tool for metaphysical work and should be considered the prime candidate to anyone starting any form of crystal work.

A cleanser of the soul, a spiritual crystal and a natural healing ability. Amethyst is a great basic crystal for increased spiritual intuition and psychic abilities. Amethyst is also a warder against negative influences and can be used to help with decreasing bad habits.

Agate or Hematite

Fairburn Agate
Yes technically this is technically two examples but sometimes having a few options to pick from is a good way for you to find a connection with specific stones. These two are grounding stones but have different metaphysical properties. Both help reconnect you to earth through your root Chakra but may offer a stronger or gentle approach to achieving your goals. Hematite specifically is one of the most powerful grounding stone, clearing confusion and allowing you to be clear headed. It also has a few sexual energy      tendencies for those interested in a little cheeky magic.  Agate is more of a support and balance grounding crystal, that allows you to feel stable and happier gradually, This gentle nourishing stone is one for the keeps. Agate with banding ( stripes,rings etc like in the photo) is also great for concentration. There are many types of Agate so be sure to look up what additional properties your agate has.


Malachite is a great, loyal and hardworking protection stone known for increasing it's user's willpower and inner strength as well as warding off negative forces and enforcing a protective nudge when it comes to potential dangers- to help avoid difficult or unfortunate circumstances. That being said you shouldn't rely on this stone solely as a lucky charm- your will and your actions determine your fate ... so try not to sky dive without a parachute as your poor Malachite will not be able to handle this.

These five (ish) stones are great starting crystals- However when choosing your stones you should go by your instinct. If you can, place your hand over stones you find and see what your drawn to. Often you inner psyche will find the stones you need.

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