Protection 102: Witchbells

  Witch Bells

Witchbells are a set of bells that are traditionally hung on a door handle, on Altars, by mirrors and other entrances to protect a house or a person (if worn). It is said that sound can be spiritually cleansing and so bells act as a method of protection. Many Witches create their own Witch bells and add other protective charms to them. And it is said some parents would tie a bell to their children and animals so that evil spirits or the fair folk would not spirit away the child and animals.

Witchbells can be as simple or as complex as you wish. Below is a simple method on how to make some basic witch bells. Though if you google Witch bells you can very easily see examples of some more aesthetic ones

What you will need:

  • Some bells ( i suggest a minimum of 3)
  • Some string, ribbon or strips of fabric to use as a string (referred to as string throughout instructions)
  • Scissors
  • Charms/Beads.
  • Protective runes that can be threaded.
  • Threadable crystals.
  • Protective charms you have made that are attachable.
  • old non used Keys  ( Keys can also be protective like bells are)
  • A ring to attach your string to if you wish to not plait your string

The gist of Witch bells is to have the bells on one end of the strings, any optional decoration, protective charms, keys etc along the strings headed to the opposite end... and those ends secured and gathered together either by a knot and loop or by a  key ring. Make sure your bells can still ring and can be
hung easily.

Below is an example of simple witch bells I made by plaiting strips of fabric together and using sun/star/moon charms on. 

You can, of course, buy your own Witch bells online. Just remember to cleanse them before each use. You can also make or buy them as extravagant or as simple as you wish and get them in a variety of styles and aesthetics.  I made mine as a Summer Solstice craft so it uses warm tones and celestial charm beads as well as bright strips of tie-dye cotton. You could also attach bells to dream catchers, wear as jewellery, or attach to wreaths.

I hope you find this page useful in your practice and it encourages you to have a go making or getting your own witch bells.

Have a wonderful time either way. Blessed be.

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