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Cleansing 101: Preparing a space

 Preparing space and cleansing methods

I've put off this topic for a little while now. Mostly because there are so many different methods of preparing a work/worship space and many individuals choose to practice in different areas of their home. Many even choose to work at their Altar or in a designated quiet space of their home or public. Anywhere they find practical and can connect in. 

Whatever area this is, the first thing you need to do is prepare it physically to be used. Yes, this does mean tidying and cleaning- something you should strive to maintain with this space. But it can also mean setting up storage, decorating and refurbishing the area or items that are useful or compliment this space. Think of it as a kitchen, you need yo keep it tidy and sanitary, it needs your cooking equipment (spell equipment) and it needs a good sturdy surface area to work on in a style you identify with.  During this element of preparation of your space, have fun with it! Make it your own!

The second element of preparation of your space is cleansing your space. Yes, your space is clean on a physical scale. But it needs to be cleansed spiritually. Especially before and after you use it. You should aim to cleanse your space when you first create it, when you change it around and when you intend to use it.  This keeps the energy of the space balanced and your work somewhat protected.

You're probably wondering by now "How do I cleanse my space?" Well, that depends on you. there are many methods to cleanse a space. The most popular methods involving fire/heating and water. So firstly, ask yourself these questions

Do I wish to cleanse via using a heat source such as fire for herbs/oils/incense etc or use a cleansing spray?

Is it safe to do this method of cleansing?  if you're not sure, ask yourself this instead: 

Will someone in my home be physically effected by this method? 

Why? Well, certain herbs, oils and resin can be toxic to pets, fire can burn and smoke can affect those with lung problems or smaller lungs- ie children and pets. Fire is also a Hazard and should be monitored at all times

Will, what I do offend someone?

Whilst I don't wish to discourage you in your practice. I know many of you come from a family who may favour a faith such as Christianity, Islam or any other belief.  If you are practising in secret. Certain methods of cleansing (like with herb wands ) might not be possible and may even land you in trouble if you live at home still.  Especially with family members who aren't very accepting. Hence why I put this question in. If your chosen method might cause you issues at home with family members, perhaps opting for a more discreet method of cleansing it the way forward. If this is the case, your chosen space might also need tweaking in its appearance and certain items put away when not in use. This will help keep things under the radar if you wish it so. I, myself, have a designated desk storage draw subtly decorated (a summer project for me) with black paint, sticky velvet and amethyst draw knobs which I keep herbs, Altar decorations and tea light candles in.

Next after answering these questions you have to decide on what method to cleanse with. This is no pressure and you can always change what method you use until your happy with it.

So what to pick?

Well if you're going with the burning option:

Dressed Candles
 (Candles decorated with herbs, anointing oils/water and small crystals or carvings)
Are used on occasion alongside a short statement of intention ( or incantation) stating the purpose of the candle and activating what it's dressed with along with its intentions. Many places dressed candles in a bowl of salt or a circle of crystals. I popped with a heatproof plate which is places with enough space to burn without setting anything on fire. 

Incense sticks ( sticks coated with a powdery substance coating them) 

These are lit and left to smoulder in a designated incense holder.  I would advise making sure this holder is sturdy, unlikely to tip over and positions the incense securely. A good quality incense doesn't smoke as much and you may find yourself hopping between scents. My personal choice is Strawberry incense. it's subtle, uplifting and known for being a gentle cleanser. Many people opt for a sage, cinnamon or Palo Santro incense stick as they are stronger cleansers. But it's what you prefer and feels will work for you. Also, a thing to note is incense is much like a cigarette or cigar, so it will drop its ashes, finding an incense holder that catches the incense will help when it comes to tidy up. If you find yourself needing to extinguish an incense stick, taking it out of its holder, gently tapping off any excess ash and placing the incense burning side down into a  Glass or Ceramic cup bowl for a few seconds should snuff it. Blowing in like a candle will not work. You could dip it in water but you may not be able to light it again another time. It is, of course, preferable to let your incense finish burning.

Incense cones 
(like incense sticks but in the shape of small cones and usually burnt on a metal or ceramic plate- avoid UV/ epoxy resin incense plates as they can burn and emit toxic gasses)

Very similar to incense sticks, however a lot easier to guess where its ashes will be. You can buy decorative holders that backflow the incense cone's smoke (the cones do smoke a little more than sticks). These holders are pretty cool to see in action but not necessary, a ceramic plate will work just as well

( Think frankincense)  

Usually burned in a resin burner or a charcoal disk. If you're a beginner or unfamiliar with resins then perhaps wait a while until you know your way around

Loose herb burning 
 Many people opt to burn just plain old herbs in their cast iron cauldron. This can take a while and be wary when allowing a fire to somewhat roam freely in any vessel. 

Palo Santro, herb wands and Smudging (and Culturally exclusive)  wands.  

Palo Santro is a hard light coloured wood with sweet wood sent. It can be used for incense sticks or burnt on its own. It's not my favourite but you might enjoy it. Herb wands are herbs on the stem that are bound into leafy bundles, dried and then burnt and it's smoke wafted around a space. Smudging wands are a form of Herb wand that is associated and considered exclusive to certain cultural practices like that of Native Americans. In the Native American's case, these are made of white sage. 

White sage is often used in the practice of this culture and has led to many debates of its use by those who are not a part or invited into that culture. When deciding on any use of any herb though I recommend searching for your personal-local varieties of herbs available. So if you don't live where white sage grows and your not a part or connected to a culture that uses it.  There's not really a point in buying white sage. It's not only impractical to you but how would you like a thousand-year-old tradition put on hold because someone had collected or bought a sacred element to your culture. Not cool! By using a local alternative your connecting to the land which you walk upon and strengthening your connection to nature and those your surrounded by.

Essential oil burning

Burning.. or should I say evaporating oils is another way of cleansing. There are oil burners that are electric, others where you light a candle beneath.  Usually, essential oil is added to what is known as a carrier oil- this has a higher temperature for burning and stops oil spitting everywhere when hot. It also dilutes an essential oil. You can make your own blends and if you have the right equipment you could make your own essential oils. If you don't want to have a bazillion oil bottles laying around, you could also just add herbs to a carrier oil and heat. 

Simmering pot cleansing

Think of this as a metaphysical soup or undrinkable tea made with water, oils, herbs, flowers etc that is heated allowing its vapours to cleanse the room. This is my favourite method to cleanse by. You can do this in a cauldron or in a pan on a stove

Going to go heatless?

There are a couple of methods that do not require heat. These are better for those who are sensitive to smoke these are

Sound/ Noise 

Whether this is through the use of bell ringing, banging pots, using incantations, music or telling the odd spirit to sling his/her hook.  A sound is a great tool for getting the attention of unwanted energies, spirits, forces etc and directing them to leave. You can combine sound cleansing with any other method of cleansing if you wish to give your cleansing a bit more oomph. I keep several bells in my house and even made a wreathe of bells with a handle that I have been seen swinging round like a madwoman when I need a deep cleanse.

Cleansing sprays

Cleansing sprays are made by infusing water with a metaphysical property such as herbs, oils, fruit, veg and flowers. I always recommend adding some tea tree and eucalyptus to any large batches- especially if you're using fresh ingredients- it just helps it last a bit longer. I like to use leftover simmer pot cleansing water, strained as well. Waste does not want now after all.

Some use the term smudging sprays to describe cleansing sprays, but smudging is a culturally exclusive word as mentioned earlier. So if your buying or reading up on sprays and you see the term smudging spray. You know it's most likely just a cleansing spray. But you should always be a bit nosy and make sure you're not buying something from a culture your not connected to. Fortunately, cleansing sprays are super easy to make and you don't even need to add anything to it. Look below for an alternative to infusing with herbs etc!

Moon, Sun and Celestial water

The moon has a feminine, calm and protective energy. The sun is masculine, uplifting and also protective. Combine them both and you have Celestial energy. By placing water outside in a clear container overnight/day/24-7 will give you water that's infused with these energies. This can then be used for anointing candles, sprays, in cooking (if you use drinkable water), simmering pots etc.  If you want specific energised water like moon water, you must remember to collect the water in before sunrise, the opposite is with sun water (take in before nightfall) and keeps both out of the sight of the other. Otherwise, you'll get celestial water- which will work just as well but you might not want it.

Envisionment and personal energy

Some individuals choose to use no add ons when it comes to cleansing and instead use their own energy to cleanse a space. There are many different methods with envisionment. Most envision (imagine) in their mind a light/energy coming from the ground, up through their body and outwards, directed by that individuals movements and envisioning. See  the Casting a circle page for more on this. 

Crystals and other cleansing tools

Certain crystals and items are naturally infused with properties great for cleansing.  Quartz, Selenite, Tourmaline, Obsidian are just a few crystals available. As mentioned in the 'Sound' section, bells are also popular for cleansing. There are also specific talismans and objects that can be used. Like abalone shells, feathers, wooden wands, fruit etc... These can all be used. Just remember to activate an item. Activation can be as extravagant or as simple as you want but essentially that is acknowledging the purpose you give to that item. Meaning in theory you could make your own cleansing tools from scratch through activation methods.

To conclude, it's always a good idea once cleansed, to set up a short but strong protection barrier for your chosen space. This could be through items mentioned above via talismans etc or from a simple spell. It's also important to reinforce this barrier and recleanse before and after every working, you do in this space. Just to keep it safe.

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