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Crystals 101: Crystal Shopping

 You may be thinking about buying crystals and your not sure where to start. Well, today is the day you learn a few things about shopping for crystals.

Firstly, why not get yourself a book on crystal healing or a crystal dictionary- if it looks 'hippy' then chances are its the right kind of book you'll need to identify crystals from it's metaphysical and visual properties- which are mentioned below incase your unsure of what this means.

Metaphysical properties

When buying crystals, it's important to find out what their metaphysical properties are ( what they mystically bring to the table); as well as if they're what you truly want and need- be it for use in spells, witch bottles, or as a personal amulet. For example. I have anxiety in social situations and can have days where I'm feeling very low. So for me finding a personal set of crystals that help ease the day, lift my mood, and balance my personal energy is important.  So looking for cleansing crystals, grounding crystals, motivation, positivity, love, and tension easing properties helps when buying crystals. Of course, this is only if you are buying something specific. Sometimes we go crystal shopping and we pick up an unknown one or one without a metaphysical description- and we just know instinctively that this is what we need. For instance, I bought a piece of black onyx a while back and I could feel a vibration in my hand. I very rarely have connections to crystals like that but I instinctively knew that I needed that crystal. Later when I went over its properties... I could tell it was just what I needed.

The link below is to another blog run by a friend and fellow Witch. Jay writes a lot about the various types of crystals, their metaphysical properties as well as the use of a lot of witchy tools.

Jays Blog

Water safety

This might be a tad tricky for you to find a book on- but some books will have this information in. Some crystal can not be put into certain things like water or salt- it causes a chemical reaction that can be toxic if you're not careful. So after buying a crystal, just have a quick google to see if it's suitable to be put into water and other substances. Remember to keep a note of this somewhere. For example, true citrine and selenite can not be put into water. Citrine makes the water toxic and selenite dissolves,


Just like water, the sun can damage certain crystals or alter their appearance. Amethyst specifically shouldn't be kept in direct sunlight because the sun lightens the crystal over time. So if you've managed to get a hold of a large or really vibrant piece- perhaps keep it out of the windowsill if you want it to remain the way it is. Heat can also be a factor in changes. Again with Amethyst- when heated will lighten and sometimes change to an orange colour (which causes it to be mislabelled as citrine). In the jewellery making industry, a lot of crystals are heat treated with varying temperatures to lighten, darken, or enhance a crystal's visual appearance. that's why Tanzanite is so blue in shops, but naturally, it can range from blue to pinks in colour.

Have I bought real crystals or plastic?

You may have found a really pretty crystal necklace either online or offline and you're not sure if it's real. Well here is a tip. Usually, natural stones are cool to the touch when first picked up- whereas plastics and lead glass are more likely to be room temperature.  This is a general rule but on occasion, the odd crystal may feel a bit warmer than others due to its chemical structure or being handled. Which is why you should also consider the weight of the crystal part itself.  You can use common sense to determine if something is a little too light to be a natural stone.

There are also cases of crystals being passed off as others or dyed to look as new crystals. For example, Agate and quartz are usually neutral in colours- but can be dyed to be extremely bright and colourful. Some are even sold with daft names like "unicorn quartz" or 'rainbow'.  Amethyst, as mentioned. When heat treated turns yellow, orange, and even brown which can lead to it being mislabelled as citrine. You can usually tell the difference because citrine's colour is usually throughout the entire crystal, whereas a heat-treated amethyst will have one area with strong colour and another area that will be lighter and clearer. This is easier to tell on crystal points and certain tumblestones more than others...


There are many ways to cleanse a crystal...from water, oils, smoke ( from incense, smudging, herb burning, etc.) and oils to using the moon and sun's energy.  Finding the right cleansing method that you prefer and is suitable for each crystal you own is super handy- so keep a note in your journals what to use!

Other things to know about crystals

When buying gemstones they will come in many different shapes and sizes. Smooth small pieces are called tumbled stones (smaller ones are chip stones). These have been rotated in a buffing machine usually with sand, water, and other stones so that they smooth themselves- they're then polished after. Some stones are carved and others are left raw. Some believe clearer crystals are stronger than others, and some believe raw stones are better than polished; then there is the argument about the size. Well, that's mostly all opinion-based- though a larger crystal or larger amount of the same crystal- will, of course, hold more metaphysical properties than a small one.

Can people who are not witches use, wear crystals?

This is a question and debate I have heard many stuck up individuals talk about.  Anyone can own a crystal, anyone can utilize their metaphysical properties- or have them because they're pretty. Just like anyone can do witchcraft practices. Crystals are not exclusive to a certain type of individual. They are for everyone to use and enjoy. If anyone tells you different then they need to start thinking about what they're actually saying as that's as equal as saying one ethnicity can't use something. Everyone has rights to everything - especially knowledge and the beauties of the earth. This isn't Harry Potter with 'purebloods'- we don't need real-life Malfoys discouraging people.

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