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Witchcraft 103: Getting started with tools

 You may have thought to yourself. Where do I start in my research? What tools do I need? Well, consider this page an idea on what to start with in terms of buying the tools and supplies you need.

Well, let us start off by revealing the big secret. You do not need a million books or crystals, nor do you need to have the liver of a pixie or nose of a pig. Think of your tools as make do and mend items. You can find things within nature to create Charms, Amulets and Talismans as well as decorations. You can also grow your own herbs or use what you have in the cupboard... or you can go to a Witchy shopping spree.

Well if your thinking about buying here's what you should do first

Get a piece of paper and...

Research and take note of what your interests are in the craft.
Reflect on yourself and what kind of person you are. What are your needs?

From this, you can decide what to buy specifically. Many people panic buy tarot sets, crystals and candles galore but you should only really buy what you need when you need it and based on you personally. An anxious person might consider a crystal known for balancing emotions as a standard crystal they have. And someone who likes the look of Norse runes over tarot should consider just buying the runes

I would recommend a few simple starter things before adding what you believe you personally need.

A medium-large white and medium-sized black candle. White can be given any purpose (hence a larger size) and black is for protection and banishment of negativity. Coincidentally you should consider looking up colour magic so you can decide on any other coloured candles you want. Some believe the bigger the candle the stronger its power, however, if you can only get tealights or birthday candles- these work just as well for spells as it's all about your intent and energy.

A notebook to use for your draft book of shadows- You can buy a fancy one later when you have something to put into it. Or you could have a go at bookbinding and make one yourself! You don't even have to have a physical one, a digital one works well too. But a notebook is handy for those quick thoughts and jottings.

A Jar of some sort. I know many witches who hoard jars to use as part of their craft. You can use these for spells, herb storage or decoration purposes. It's handy to have a few small ones and a large one for things you use a lot of. For instance, I use a lot of lavender and a lot of cinnamon so they have larger jars.

A Crystal is known for having the metaphysical property of protection, grounding/cleansing.

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