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Witchcraft vs Wicca: What is the difference?

 Do you know what the difference between Wicca and Witchcraft is? Well here are the basics.

What is Witchcraft 

Witchcraft is a craft where intentions, energies, tools, ingredients and other items are used to manifest the desired result. Some call this magic, others see it as a manipulation of the universal energy. In general, the practice of the craft is a lifestyle choice. Some even providing services for others till this day. .  There are many different forms of witchcraft from healing to defensive magic. Some many spiritual practices and religions use Witchcraft ( anything including prayer to deities). Witchcraft can be seen everywhere and used by anyone and is. One example that I think most of you will have done is wishing on a dandelion or on a star.

Witchcraft is often confused with Wicca which is a religious practice. You can be any faith to practice witchcraft or not have one at all. After all, it is just a craft and can/is applied to most elements of daily life.

Fun fact, in terms of language. The term Wicce is a word originally used to describe witches the masculine version of the word is Wicca and both were originally pronounced as ( phonetic spelling coming up) Wicha and/or Wicheh, which over the years morphed into Witche or Witch- but Wicca was not even considered a religion until very recently within the last 100 years! I bet you weren't expecting a bit of language evolution and history! Here's another one. Magic was once spelt Magick or Magik... Depending on the demographic of practitioners.

 What is Wicca?

 Wicca is a modern-day take on a very, very ancient culture and belief system, which known as Paganism. If your struggling to find resources for Wicca try looking up some Pagan rituals and beliefs. You may find the answer you need. Elements of Wicca is to give thanks to nature, our ancestors, any deities that call to us and to do no harm. You can worship any deity (normally this is the Tripple moon goddess and Horned god), or the elements, the planet, the stars, your ancestors- anything that speaks to you. 

Because of this- there is no wrong way practice. "if it harms none, do as thou will"  is basically the one rule of Wicca. 

Do I have to be Wiccan to be a witch?

 Wicca, Paganism, Druidism are just a few that practice Witchcraft. Within these, some followers worship deities, elements of the include a star wars quote ( i am a huge science fiction nerd) some take one the view that we are  "are one with the force"  connected to the earth and the life the earth gives us. These are all personal beliefs and you should respect and discuss with others kindly and not be disrespectful.

Others simply integrate religions such as Christianity to their practice. There is no right or wrong way to be a practitioner of Witchcraft, and I use the term practitioner rather than a follower because Witchcraft is unique in the sense that it is used by all for pretty much anything.

This fluidity also applies to whether an individual takes part in ceremonies, worship, spell casting and other practices. Some individuals practise daily, with a prayer perhaps or maybe even a small ceremony to purify such as in smudging does. Smudging is a cleansing ritual using (usually) white sage that has been bound tightly into a cylindrical 'bouquet'  and lit, wafting the smoke and usually reciting a prayer or spell asking for purification and cleansing- This, however, is considered a closed practice by Native Americans. and the burning of white sage specifically is frowned upon- don't worry you can use regular sage and any other cleansing herb too.  Though in these modern days cleansing sprays and sage incense sticks and cones- even infused candles are used. But purification is a topic for another blog entry, As said though there is no wrong way to practice Witchcraft.

Common misconception:

Nature-based religions such as Paganism, Druidism, Shamanism, Voodoo and Wicca have been demonised by many different and more dominant religions over the many years. Mostly because they associate witchcraft and Paganism as working with Demons, Satan and Evil. Satanism is a  valid spiritual belief and there are Satanist witches out there. However, the Satanic bible promotes good moral choices and is often misunderstood due to pop culture and anti-Satanist views.

 When this is combined with fear and ignorance- discrimination of religions occurs... and throughout history- these have been shown to escalate into hunts of practitioners.

Witch Hunts

You may have heard the term "Salem Trials" - this was a  famous American Witch hunt for all those who considered themselves 'Witches' or followers of nature spiritualism.
 Men and Women where hung, tortured, burnt, butchered and drowned for just being who they were. There were also Witch exams and trials which were often fixed so individuals would lose their case and in some cases, non-followers were also targeted- leading to many individuals to perish at the hands for being suspected of following what was deemed as an 'evil' path.  Salem was one of these instances. In the UK there have been countless Witch hunts, almost the point it had to be made illegal to do. Now that same law has changed and adapted stating that self-proclaimed witches and divination experts are not allowed to scam people.

Sadly in some less developed cultures, Witch attacks and killings are still common practice and accepted in other cultures- claiming many innocent victims targeted solely for being different. This is what has partly inspired me to come out of the Witchy Cauldron and make this blog. Remove the stigma- remove the fear and possibly stop someone who might have hurt another. As far fetched as it is.

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