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What is this Blog? And Witchy FAQ

 Hello, merry meet to yourself and to all. You may be wondering what this blog is about? Well, there's most definitely a clue in the name. This is Witchy101.  Consider this an online book of shadows/DIY blog where you will find multiple additions to your own witchcraft. 

So to introduce myself!

My name is Robyn and I have been identifying as an eclectic Witch for the last 5 years, but have been practising Witchcraft since I was roughly six years old. I come from a family who is a mix of Christians and Atheists. I do of course live in England, specifically in an area that was once a Pagan filled land known then as the Kingdom of Lindsey- Now Lincolnshire. 

What is an eclectic witch?

Honestly, it just means I practice what I want and what I believe in specifically. I'm not exactly a follower of the Wicca, Druidism (both of which are classed as forms of Paganism), Shamanism, Voodoo or any other religion- but I do draw elements from multiple religions as part of my own unique belief. I believe in the masculine and feminine energies (be these deities or spirits or just energies to your own personal beliefs is up to you) and so honour multiple when practising my craft and beliefs. My concept behind this is if you honour and acknowledge everyone and everything, then you remain respectful to a lot of people and those that you honour.  I find it rather humbling. I also believe in Karma and that when I die, (hopefully) my energy or soul will be returned in some form (in other words some form of reincarnation). Whether it is in the soil growing a flower, a ghost or spirit or another living creature of some sort. Until I die I won't know but as long as I don't un-exist I'm fairly content.

What drew me to Witchcraft?

I've always believed in magic, the unknown and was interested in religions, mythology and folklore. I was obsessed with fairies- but not the Peter pan sparkly kind. I fell in love with the writings of Cassandra Clare, William Hussy and many other authors who had maturer darker themes in their writing and would frequently watch films and TV series  (Charmed, Buffy, Ghost whisperer, Bewitched, The Mysti show etc.) with a fantasy element. I was quite young when I realised I actually believed in some of the folklore I was reading and watching. I had already been buying crystals with my pocket money since I was about 4 years old in our local shop, who had a pay to buy toy dispenser with tumblestones inside. I would beg my mother for any change every time we went. And when I finally did have a little collection I became obsessed with smothering them in a strawberry essential oil that came in a soap making kit I bought with money gifted to me for my birthday. It wasn't until I was older I discovered strawberry was used as a gentle cleanser and brings positivity to crystals. SO I had been subconsciously putting positive energies into my little tumblestones.

As a teenager I started to practice consciously, scribbling down spells in a little journal and using candles which I lit in secret in my room using a lighter found around the house. This then developed for a few years before a brief break in my practice, which turned into a long break until eventually I was a young adult in college/Uni and from there I decided to become a bit more serious. I now have more books on Witchcraft then I do textbooks for my postgraduate course, all surfaces have at least one crystal or candle in my bedroom and I complete spells, make charms and practice in some way on a weekly daily basis.

You might have a similar story, or something completely different to mine. the point is your curious about it enough to have a read of this blog.

Can anyone be a Witch?

Absolutely. Male or Female, of any religion or without one. It is just a craft like painting, cooking or furniture making. In fact, there are a lot of things that can be considered witchcraft. Blowing candles on a cake, lighting one for prayer, blowing pollinated dandelion seeds whilst making a wish. Magic is in the mundane; it is your intent that makes something so. The etymology of Witch and Magic goes back to long before the 16th Century. With the female Witch being called a Wicce (Wicheh) and a male is called a Wicca (Wicha)and the plural being Wiccan/Wiccan. The religion of Wicca was created by a male Witch withing the 19th century and borrows the male word for Witch/Witches to name a version of Paganism that is widely practised in today's times.

Where to start?

Start by taking note of your interests, what piques your curiosity and go from there. Keep note of everything if you can

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