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Crystals 103: Breaking crystals!

 This is one of those topics i constantly see on Witchcraft pages " Oops i broke a crystal" " Oh nooo what do i do?" followed by a picture of a crystal broken in one or two pieces .

Well let's talk about that and what you can do with a broken crystal.

Firstly, why does a crystal break?

There are two main reasons why a crystal might break. The first is that it's just broken do to external or internal force on it. By this I mean you may have dropped it, it may have gotten knocked off of something, may have been hit, thrown or may have even shattered from pressures within the crystal ( Some crystals if they get too hold or cold will break- especially if their chemical compound results in a brittle crystal).For example crystals such as selenite, kyanite and celestite ( see a theme with the names of these yet?) can break quite easily from a little force. I even purposefully chipped one piece of celestite to give to my friends once. Additionally crystals (or multiple crystals) that have been fused by humans or by nature are more likely to break along the joining then a solid piece. This is why shaped crystals like Eggs, hearts, star  shaped crystals are more likely to break.

The second reason is that on a metaphysical/spiritual/energy level it has done it's job. Many Witches believe that a crystal may take on an attack for them from an unknown (or maleficent) force. Others believe that a crystal might not of been strong enough to maintain it's form under certain energy frequencies, and others may think the crystal has just decided it's finished in it's role.

How do you know which reason it is?

Simple , go with your instincts and pick it up and get a feel for it. 9/10 times your guess is correct. What do you think it is? You can also ask your guides/ deities if you work with them. You can also ask divination tools for clarity on this.

What do i do with broken crystals?

 I'll keep this simple to three options. Retire, Repurpose or Renew it.

Retire: Retire your crystal/crystal pieces to a decorative role. Some individuals choose to bury their crystals so they return to the earth. My advice on this is to check the crystal is safe for the ground and for the wildlife if you choose to do this. But I've found broken crystals are just as fine as decor. alternatively you could have a pot full of soil and place the crystal in that, so no environmental damage or animal hazard comes from your crystal breaking.

Re purpose: There are many new purposes you can give a broken crystal, you could create a DIY project with them ( e.g. wire wrapped broken crystal necklaces look brilliant!) or you could use them in spell jars/ charm bags - just remember to cleanse them.

Some of the DIY projects i'd recommend are:

1. Jewellery making

2. Wand making

3. Fairy garden ornaments

4. Resin/crystal glue crafting ( Organite is where crystals are set in resin for metaphysical use)

5. Make crystal door knobs

6. House decor : Wire wrapped crystals on fairy lights

Renew: You can actually continue to work with a broken crystal, in fact working with a broken crystal can infuse it with your compassion and nurturing energy and strengthen the bond between yourself and your crystal. I'd recommend giving it a bit of  TLC first though by giving it a deep long cleanse and a long time to recharge before you start using it again. Think of it as giving them a spa holiday. Some choose to bury their crystal for a month, others bathe the crystals ( please check your crystals are liquid safe first if you try this) in Florida or Moon water. Just remember not to abandon your crystal and to show it some gratitude and love.

Hope this helps you all should this ever arise in your craft.  Have a wonderful day Witches!

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