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Crystals 102: Bringing home your crystal babies

You may find yourself in a shop selling crystals and feel drawn to specific ones as you browse the store. This is the best time to buy a crystal. When a crystal calls to you then you should accept it if you can. If you decide to give in to this magnetic pull and buy them. Congratulations you have your first crystal baby or babies 😉.

When you get home with your new wonderful tool you should 1st cleanse and reprogram your crystal, you should also do this with any tool.

There are so many ways you can cleanse your crystal, you can place it under running water from the tap or a small stream ( if it's safe), you could cleanse it with the moonlight, moon/sun water ( moon/sun charged water), using essential oils such as Strawberry oil, rosemary oil and various other oils, or you can use a smoke cleanser like sage or rosemary bundles.  The main rule with cleansing is ensuring all unwanted energy is removed- leaving it pure and ready to be programmed- think of this as rebirthing or rebooting your crystal. It's important to do this because your not sure who has been in contact with the crystal and what energies have mixed with it. So take the same sort of care when cleansing as you would yourself, ensure every inch is clean and ready. When you are certain it feels cleansed, you will need to program the crystal with what you'd like it to do out of its many metaphysical properties.  It's worth finding yourself a book about crystals or googling what it's metaphysical properties are beforehand.

To reprogram, hold your stone in your palms, and gently cup it together as if you were holding a small bird like a baby chicken ( i use this term because it's easier for you to imagine) Next imagine positive energy in your hands connecting you to this crystal. For me, I imagine golden swirly energy that gently dances around the crystal in my hands. Now say in your mind ( or out loud) what you would like your crystal to do- it's especially good to imagine an image of what you are trying to get across. For example " protection"  in my head is a metal shield with a coat of arms.  After you have done this imagine the energy you pictured earlier entering the crystal.

Well done, You've cleansed and recharged your crystal. You can do this as many times to your crystal and I'd advise cleansing regularly- especially before doing any form of witchcraft.

For information on crystals, check out my friend's Tumblr blog. It's full of fantastic information on runes, spells, crystals and many more Witchy practices. I'm sure he'd love for you to read.

Jay the Celtic Pagan Blog

I hope this helps all you new Witches out there!
Blessed Be!

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